Tango Workshop
Any instrument could join this workshop
(Guitar, Bass, Violin, Bandoneón, Accordion, Clarinet, Mandolin, Piano...)
CLASS Schedule
16th June. Fri. 3:pm-5:pm
17th June. Sat. 2:pm-5:pm
18th June. Sun.2:pm-5pm
Vincent Tsai Int’l Culture & Arts
Addres :No.56, Ln. 63, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd. Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10682 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
FEE :NT$3800 or USD126 or RMB950
Bandoneonista :
Facundo Lazzari
Nicolás Tognola
Ricardo Badaracco
Adolfo Trepiana
Violinist :
Sebastián Frasson
Pablo Ginzburg
Emilio Pagano
Octavio Bianchi
Pianist : Pablo Valle
Bassist : Emilio Longo
Argentine tango music and dance are closely related, tango music has been rearranged by many different orchestras for many years, not only in the quantity of music, these orchestras' arrangement of the styles are also in great differences. Argentine tango music classified into four representative bands: Carlos Di Sarli, Juan D`Arienzo, Anibal Troilo and Osvaldo Pugliese, They are all dance bands, only to play danceable music , the spirit of the music is characterized by a clear mark of the beat, repetitive stress or beat, very powerful tango rhythm. And the D'Arienzo style, the world's most tangible dance band La Juan D'Arienzo, will be the first time to Taiwan to host a tango music workshop, to guide the Argentine tango music.
In this workshop, we will introduce the history of Tango culture, as well as one of the greatest composers and performers of Argentine tango music, D`Arienzo's personal tango style, tango music rhythm, and then guides the musicians Musical instruments (piano, violin, Bandoneon, Accordion, Bass) instrumental exercises with authentic tango technique, and ensemble courses, in-depth study of tango music playing skills and musical essence of interpretation.
Day 1 (10 instructors)
-Argentine culture, Tango Music history introduction
-D'Arienzo music introduction
Day2 (5 instructors)
-Tango technique for individual instruments
-Coaching for Ensemble
-Guided Ensemble Sessions
Day3 (10 instructors)
-Coaching for Ensemble
-Guided Ensemble Seesions
(Guitar, Bass, Violin, Bandoneón, Accordion, Clarinet, Mandolin, Piano...)
CLASS Schedule
16th June. Fri. 3:pm-5:pm
17th June. Sat. 2:pm-5:pm
18th June. Sun.2:pm-5pm
Vincent Tsai Int’l Culture & Arts
Addres :No.56, Ln. 63, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd. Da’an Dist., Taipei City 10682 Taiwan (R.O.C.)
FEE :NT$3800 or USD126 or RMB950
Bandoneonista :
Facundo Lazzari
Nicolás Tognola
Ricardo Badaracco
Adolfo Trepiana
Violinist :
Sebastián Frasson
Pablo Ginzburg
Emilio Pagano
Octavio Bianchi
Pianist : Pablo Valle
Bassist : Emilio Longo
Argentine tango music and dance are closely related, tango music has been rearranged by many different orchestras for many years, not only in the quantity of music, these orchestras' arrangement of the styles are also in great differences. Argentine tango music classified into four representative bands: Carlos Di Sarli, Juan D`Arienzo, Anibal Troilo and Osvaldo Pugliese, They are all dance bands, only to play danceable music , the spirit of the music is characterized by a clear mark of the beat, repetitive stress or beat, very powerful tango rhythm. And the D'Arienzo style, the world's most tangible dance band La Juan D'Arienzo, will be the first time to Taiwan to host a tango music workshop, to guide the Argentine tango music.
In this workshop, we will introduce the history of Tango culture, as well as one of the greatest composers and performers of Argentine tango music, D`Arienzo's personal tango style, tango music rhythm, and then guides the musicians Musical instruments (piano, violin, Bandoneon, Accordion, Bass) instrumental exercises with authentic tango technique, and ensemble courses, in-depth study of tango music playing skills and musical essence of interpretation.
Day 1 (10 instructors)
-Argentine culture, Tango Music history introduction
-D'Arienzo music introduction
Day2 (5 instructors)
-Tango technique for individual instruments
-Coaching for Ensemble
-Guided Ensemble Sessions
Day3 (10 instructors)
-Coaching for Ensemble
-Guided Ensemble Seesions
《 時間/地點 》
6/16 週五 15:00 - 17:00
6/17 週六 14:00 - 17:00
6/18 週日 14:00 - 17:00
《 費用 》
《 適合對象 》
《師資介紹 》
班多鈕手風琴 Bandoneonista :
Facundo Lazzari
Nicolás Tognola
Ricardo Badaracco
Adolfo Trepiana
小提琴 Violinist :
Sebastián Frasson
Pablo Ginzburg
Emilio Pagano
Octavio Bianchi
鋼琴 Pianist : Pablo Valle
貝斯 Bassist : Emilio Longo
《 課程介紹 》
阿根廷探戈音樂與舞蹈息息相關,一個世紀以來大量的探戈音樂被許多不同的樂團重編,不僅在樂曲的數量,這些樂團在編曲的風格上也有極大的差異。阿根廷探戈音樂的的四大代表樂團:底薩里(Di Sarli)、達里恩佐(D'Arienzo)、特羅伊洛(Troilo)和普列塞(Pugliese),
而承襲D'Arienzo風格,國際探戈舞會圈最炙手可熱的現場樂團La Juan D'Arienzo,將首次來台開辦探戈音樂工作坊,指導阿根廷探戈音樂,
Day 1 (十位師資)
-D'Arienzo 音樂風格介紹
Day2 (五位師資)
Day3 (十位師資)